Taking Time to Make Masks

For the foreseeable future, I will be devoting my time and attention to making masks for healthcare providers. To date, I’ve managed to make almost 100 for friends and family who are in the healthcare professions. I sure wish I had minions to cut fabric. Please stay home and be safe.

In times like these, children can often feel helpless but they sure can be enlisted to help others so they might be empowered. Isolation is hard for those who isolate alone such as the elderly. If your kids can read a story, play music, or mail cards, it’s good for them to do so and they can share with shut-ins. Contact your local social service agencies who can offer your number or web page to people in need of bright content.

Your children can make cards, draw pictures, etc. to send to a local nursing home. They can help you gather food to donate to food pantries and so much more, make phone calls or help with some yard work. Ask your kids what they would like to do then help them accomplish their goals.

Published by Linda

One of my greatest concerns as a teacher was (and still is) bullying. I've never believed punishing the bullies was a helpful practice. When children are bullied we adults need to care for the bullied child and the child who bullied. We do that by teaching with compassion and caring with an eye to strengthen the bullied and positively remediate the bully. In my experience, this practice has often created friendships and more respect for others and self. I'm a retired teacher and I've taught (elementary) Special Education, Reading Title 1, (middle school) Computer Science, Language Arts, Literature, and Math. My Degrees: B.S. Elementary Education 1-8; Special Education K-12 M.A. Reading Specialization K-12 M. S. Human Development and Family Studies (Positive Youth Development) I am a mother of 2 thriving adults (ages 29 and 32) both of whom are engaged to be married to the most wonderful partners.

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